This ABC Post by Jonathan Green compares the current Labor government with that of Gough Whitlam (in the 1970s.) It reminds me why people tolerate governments' power: to collectively improve the lot of all, not to benefit the oligarchs and banksters; not to balance the budget, but to spend the tax take on things which matter; certainly not to regulate private behaviour, suspend habeas corpus, serve a medieval religious ideology (I'm looking at you, Abbot.)
The included list of achievements bears reformatting in a more readable form.
"It was, after all, the Whitlam government (and here we are grateful to various sources) that
- ended conscription and withdrew Australian troops from Vietnam,
- implemented equal pay for women,
- launched an inquiry into education and funded government and non-government schools on a needs basis,
- established a separate ministry responsible for Aboriginal affairs,
- established the single department of defence,
- withdrew support for South Africa,
- granted independence to Papua-New Guinea,
- abolished tertiary education fees and
- established the Tertiary Education Assistance Scheme,
- increased pensions,
- established Medibank,
- established controls on foreign ownership of Australian resources,
- passed the Family Law Act establishing no-fault divorce,
- passed a series of laws banning racial and sexual discrimination,
- extended maternity leave and benefits for single mothers,
- sought to democratise the electoral system by introducing one-vote-one-value,
- implemented wide-ranging reforms of the Labor Party's organisation,
- initiated Australia's first federal legislation on
- human rights
- the environment and
- heritage,
- established the Legal Aid Office,
- established the National Film and Television School,
- launched construction of National Gallery of Australia,
- established the Australian Development Assistance Agency,
- reopened the Australian Embassy in Peking after 24 years,
- established the Prices Justification Tribunal,
- revalued the dollar,
- cut tariffs across the board,
- established the Trade Practices Commission,
- established the Australian National Parks and Wildlife Service,
- established the Law Reform Commission,
- established the Australian Film Commission,
- established the Australia Council,
- established the Australian Heritage Commission,
- established the Consumer Affairs Commission,
- established the Technical and Further Education Commission,
- implemented a national employment and training program,
- created Telecom and Australia Post to replace the Postmaster-General's Department,
- devised the Order of Australia to replace the British Honours system,
- abolished appeals to the Privy Council,
- changed the national anthem to Advance Australia Fair and
- instituted Aboriginal land rights.
I'd like to add 44. Sewered most of Sydney. (Hard to believe, isn't it, that Sydney wasn't sewered 40 years ago.)